dance your life

Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

skrip 'sweet' or skrip 'sh*t'???

this thing is the worst thing that will happen to every college student, like me.
Hal ini memang hanyalah sebuah 'tugas akhir'. in fact, sebenernya juga ga susah-susah banget, apalagi aku memilih judul yang emang this is mine . But, the most difficult thing in the process of doing this task is resist all the lazy thing that often comes when we intend to do that. Perasaan yang seketika muncul ketika sudah menghadap laptop, tapi kemudian berbalik arah dan memilih untuk melakukan hal lain yang tidak jauh lebih penting daripada ini.
Ketika tersadar sudah 2 bulan aku tidak melakukan apapun. Penyesalan datang. Mulai berniat untuk mengerjakan , once again, the 'lazy' comes. oh Gosh ...
what it really is ?
Some people say " You must think that this is 'sweet'thing'. and some people agree that this is bullsh*t.
So , What is the Biggest obstacle ??????

Now, what i'm gonna do is force myself rather than pay 5 millions rupiah for extend this sh*t. Yes, i have to force myself to face this and believe that i could finish it in less than 2 months. 
This task is just like my NIGHTMARE. and you, you will face it and agreed my statement or just ignore it. 
When you could pass it, there's the biggest pride of your life. 

So, this is Skrip 'SWEET' or Skrip 'SH*T' ?

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