dance your life

Kamis, 14 April 2011

meaningful things

finally, my internet could be used.
i wanna share many things !!!
hmmm, about pre reach, the election of chairman contingent, about the team, the challenge, the friends in it.
meaningful and touchy.

already 3 weeks, i and my team mates prepared everything for the exhibition. yah, grand exhibition for the election of dki A's captain. there are 3 candidates, syelly, putri, and noto.
my team got stressed, mood fluctuation, dizzy, fighting, stayed up, tired, everything.
but for this exhibition, i was really intent to finish it so well.
"this is the right time for me, the first step of me, to change everything," i thought.
but now? already WELL DONE. our hard work and our sacrifice ended beautifully.
whatever the result soon, elected or not, i've given my best for sure...

the most important thing happened on the process of finishing the exhibition preparation. me and my 3 'botak-botakku', April, Surya, and Danang have worked hard and sacrificed much. i know that they'll always supporting me and helping me. slowly, the other friends also helped.
Iyus, Panto, Monica, Lloyd, Kiki, Yani, they are very helpful. no matter how small it is, i appreciate it. i feel that the pure friendship grows slowly but sure.
you can't imagine how i felt so valuable in their eyes as well as their in my heart.

i'll never ever stop it. this things really makes me thrilled and i promise that i will continue to fight and continue to reproduce the true friends in my life.
yes, i will never deny that friends really important and meaningful for me.

build your friendship,


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