dance your life

Jumat, 15 April 2011

hey, lets reading

new thing that i loved lately.
i don't know what happened, but suddenly, i was not interested about books, even read that things, and now, began to be attracted to it.
i don't really hate reading, cause i like comics, especially 'Detective Conan'. I also have read a few novels.
but, i also don't know what motivated me to start reading more books now.
if i want to looks smart or cooler causing by start to love reading ?
hmmm.. i also don't understand.
but, indeed, it's not entirely wrong. i often think like that
but, JFYI,
i love books right now.
actually, trying to start like to reading.
until now, i've managed to read about 10 books. ONLY ! hahahhaa
but i really started to love reading ! :p
my hopes is just to increasing my knowledge and more extensive insight. hahahahahaa
sounds stupid.
but really, i'm not lying that by reading, i can know many things. at least, my vocabulary increasing more and more, huh ?

let's reading. be more intelligent generation.
i think my words seems like wanna appear to be arrogant speech style. :p
yeah, i like to reading but i don't really know until when i will survive like this.
PRAY FOR ME ! hahahahahahhaa,

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places to go"

love reading

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